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TBLT book series by John Benjamins


Series Title: Task-Based Language Teaching: Issues, Research, and Practice


  • Series Editors: Martin Bygate, John Norris, Kris Van den Branden

  • Series Publisher: John Benjamins


In concert with current interest in Task-Based Language Teaching, this book series is devoted to the dissemination of TBLT issues and practices, and to fostering improved understanding and communication across the various clines of TBLT work. The series editors seek to publish cutting-edge work that defines and advances the domain. Empirical research, theoretical discourse, and well-informed practical applications of TBLT constitute the core features highlighted in the series. The series editors welcome edited as well as authored volumes, and they invite submissions related to the full diversity of language education contexts, including bi- and multi-lingual, heritage, second, foreign, child, and adult language learning.



The targeted audiences for this series include students, scholars, practitioners, and policy makers around the globe. Key among these are:

  1. University undergraduate and graduate students engaged in courses of study related to language teaching, applied linguistics, second language studies, second language acquisition, and other fields.

  2. Academics conducting research and teaching on TBLT, language pedagogy, second language acquisition, and related disciplines.

  3. Educators and policy makers concerned with work at the interface.


For specific TBLT proposal guidelines please contact one of the series editors:

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