IATBLT Distinguished Practitioner Award 2025
The Executive Board of the International Association for Task-based Language Teaching (IATBLT) is pleased to invite nominations for the IATBLT Distinguished Practitioner Award. IATBLT members are invited to nominate individuals who have made outstanding and sustained contributions to the field of TBLT in practice.
The winner of the award will be presented with an award of €1000 (funded independently by the IATBLT) and a certificate at the 11th International IATBLT Conference in Groningen, The Netherlands in April 2025. Attendance to the conference is not mandatory but confirmation of in-person attendance would be greatly appreciated.
Selection criteria
The recipient will be selected on the basis of:
Outstanding professional leadership in the advancement of TBLT in practice
Inspirational and/or valuable contribution to practice through publications/resources
Mentoring of other practitioners
Active engagement in and/or service to the TBLT community.
Nominators are invited to highlight contributions that have benefited the work of the IATBLT, directly or indirectly, where appropriate.
Nomination procedure
Any member of IATBLT may nominate an individual for this award (members of the Executive Board are only eligible to receive an award after their term of office has concluded). Nomination statements should be no longer than two double-spaced pages, and should provide strong grounds for the nomination by clearly describing the nominee's contributions to the field of TBLT in practice, addressing the selection criteria above.
Please send the nomination statement to IATBLT member-at-large, Claudia Fernández by email at cferna5@uic.edu. The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2025.
The recipient of the award will be selected by a Selection Committee made up of six representatives of the IATBLT Executive Board who will submit their recommendation for the award to the President of IATBLT. The President makes the final decision.